Page 387 - Complete Works of Dr. KCV Volume 1
P. 387

 The work of Sri Ramchandra's Rajayoga is that of re-elevating each soul to the Ultimate. Here is a message of the Divine who is prepared to walk into your house and to initiate you. This is the message of a normal life.
Man is one who is said to be a thinking being. Man is said to be one who is proud, who thinks that he is a superior being. If you take 'Man' as from the Sanskrit root, as from the supreme force of the Divine, then you will see that the first thing that came out of the Divine is 'Manas'.
Sri Ramchandra's Rajayoga offers you a new method in a new dimension. You will find the great lights of the supramental will be available to you. I don't want to flatter or to give undue prominence to the work which my Master has given to me. But if you will practice it, the ujjivana you are looking for, the uplift of the soul to the Ultimate, will be common to all men.
Forget all differences of caste, creed and race. Not one of these things will help. Being a Hindu, or a Christian, or a Buddhist, or anything else, none of these things will help. Man has to become a universal being-rightly or wrongly. You must therefore make up your minds to take up the opportunity offered to you. A little bit of practice is worth much more than a ton of theory. Lenin is said to have told Marx, "I have read the Das Kapital, what next?" Marx said "struggle"! But to avoid struggle is to give yourself to God. "Which god," you may ask, as the Vedic "Kasmai Devaya Havisha Vidhema." Which god to worship is the question. We have too many gods in India. Arundel said we are gods in the making. I agree. But we are such bad avatars! We do not have the vitality of the Divine.
We are told "Ekam Sat Viprah bahudha vadanti"-but I used to translate 'vipra' not as wise men, but as fools! 'Vi' is a negative! Now which God to worship? I say, the Ultimate. The Parabrahmam! It is not something you can grasp. As the Kenopanishad says "Na Cakshus Pasyati". No lesser god will do for this purpose. Please take note of that! Not the vyuhas, the three murtis with their dampatis. Not even these gods will do. As Sri Krishna said, if you want to conquer your ragas etc., then only the Ultimate must be sought, for "Param drishtva nivartate.". Otherwise partiality, neglect, all these theories and difficulties come in. One god for this, another for that, and a third for yet another; where is the end? To how many gods can we

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