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impressions. If we are forming impressions it is by choice not because of the system.
When the impressions are not caused, the sanskaras are not formed, and consequently chances for bhoga do not arise. The formation of sanskaras is thus stopped. This is quite essential for those on the spiritual path. This was in fact the actual state which was transmitted into Arjuna, and by the effect of which he at once rose up to that level of higher consciousness. Higher consciousness not of the Ultimate Brahman here, it is from 'L' to the 'U'. Please note it. The great work done by the Great Master on that day to Arjuna is what is being done to every one of us here by our Great Master here. Please be aware. At least have that much wisdom of the stupid Arjuna now. Why I call him stupid is he forgot about it later. Only during the war he maintained that. Later he thought that he is the doer and then he has his own story of not capable of saving the family of Krishna. Those who know a bit of Bharatam may kindly interact among yourselves. We are constantly taken to the level of Arjuna, but instead of holding it we leave it. We don't hold.
The oral expression given at that time constituted only 7 slokas, to offer brief hints to illustrate the condition acquired by Arjuna through transmission. This sentence is what made me and Parthasarathy think, we should locate first these 7 slokas and then try to write a commentary on that accordingly then we thought the best thing is to leave it there. We think that we have located but we do not want to say so. We don't know. He has not mentioned therefore we don't mention. I would not like to be better than my Master. As I told you these types of pit falls are there in sadhana. We think that we can do something. We go a long way in that direction, but then some wisdom comes, because is it necessary at all. The

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