Page 302 - Silence Speaks
P. 302

Silence Speaks
People have no faith in God, and I have no faith in my health. Having no faith in one's health is the sign of weakness, and having no faith in God is the sign of spiritual suicide. People say that the crops now-a-days are not good, which means that God has now grown old, and so He does not remember certain things. But the people do not understand what confusion they have created in His work, with the power given by Him. Actions are proportionately continued. Now, our actions went against the Nature and created a mess in the environment, whereby our own throats are being cut. These things now require to be cleaned, which is being done to a certain extent and will be continued. It has all to be done by you people only, and unknowingly every saint does something. I have courage and by Master's grace there is nothing lacking. It will not require another second to do it. I have written all these things so that you people may also develop courage in yourselves. But I do not do this because those who have created all this mess by misuse of their powers may reap the fruit of their

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