Page 477 - Silence Speaks
P. 477

Silence Speaks
possesses is in its absolute state, almost akin to the Divine Power in the form of kshobh.
As a matter of fact,  ̳mind' and  ̳maya' are the only two things upon which the entire working of Nature's machinery rests, but they are so grossly misrepresented by the neophytes. They do not know that these are the two main factors which enable us to secure approach up to the Divine. Actually human existence has, for its one end, the Mind, and for the other the maya. Both linked together serve as a barge for our journey to the shore of the Ocean of Reality. People may wonder to hear me talk of the ocean, whereas every one has so far been led to think of remaining merged in Reality for ever. This is the point which is not sufficiently cleared even in the scriptures. Reality may be represented as a sphere which one has to pass through during the course of his march. After landing on the other side, we have to march on still. How far? None can determine it precisely. The very word `shore' brings to our mind the idea of a vast expanse for which the shore is only a marginal line. How far this sphere extends is beyond imagination. We have been sailing so far

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