Page 491 - Silence Speaks
P. 491

Silence Speaks
he has learnt. Swami Vivekanandaji has written that the Revelations occur mostly in poetry. It does not happen so, at least in the case of a real seeker who should not lose the Reality by getting entangled in the surroundings. Surroundings point to the Thing, which is connected with it, just like the smoke points out the fire of which it is the smoke.
Dear Brother, you have written correctly that you are unable to understand the reality of a matter. If life is breathed into a doll of sugar, it cannot understand its reality. The meaning is that having continuously lived in matter we have lost our own matter, i.e. Reality. This alone is the hindrance. Nature really does not want to keep anything in mystery from the devotee, because mystery can be called as complicated, and where ever there is complexity it can be called nothing but maya. Nature is an open book. But we have inverted our vision to such an extent that we never look to it. And dear brother, to put it crudely, it can be said that our skill

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