Page 229 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 1
P. 229

Having decided about the goal, one has decide about the ‘means’. This means shall also be only one. You cannot be following hundreds of means, and say that all are equally good. All may be equally good but it is absolutely essential that you follow only one. You will not be in a position to reach Delhi starting from Hyderabad and on the way change the train at Nagpur and start going towards Bombay, finally thinking that from Bombay you still can go to Delhi. This type of ideas will not work. Have one means and the means also includes the Master. That can also be only one. Rev. Babuji has stated, if you can remember one goal, one Master, one means, this oneness, absolute clarity of having one is what we are talking about. How do we get it? This requires faith. First one, we should have faith in you, that you can reach the Ultimate. “No, no, it is not possible for me. I am a sinner, I do not think it is not for people like me to realise at all”. This type of despondency is not accepted in spirituality. It was written somewhere else that despondency and despair are the worst diseases that we can have. If we have this, that means, we have lost the game. This does not mean that we should be arrogant. It does not mean we should say that we are all powerful or omnipotent. Now from where do we get this faith. What is the basis of

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