Page 247 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 1
P. 247

A stage will come where you will not ask Him what you want. Because the ‘Viswasa’ is of that type that you will not ask. He knows what is best for you. You come out of a stage of asking Him. Question of Prayer doesn’t arise. Meditation becomes impossible there. You cannot meditate. There is nothing there to meditate upon. A stage comes where it becomes impossible for you to think about the Divinity itself. That is why He says “neither the beggar is there, nor the Master is there, only the extended arm appears now and then”. In the article “Beggar’s Bowl” that is the stage you will come to when you have ‘Maha Viswasa’. Don’t confuse the faiths in the beginning saying I have absolute faith in the Master. We should know the limitations here. It is at different levels of existence. That existence is ‘Anandamaya’ existence, this initial faith is at the ‘Annamaya’ existence. In ‘Anandamaya Kosha’ when you are seeing Master eye to eye, when you are feeling Him, when you breath Him, then what will you ask? and what is it that He can’t give you. When you ask Him, what is that He will not give you. There is nothing that he forgets to give you on His own. There is nothing that you need to ask Him. He is you and you are He. There is no question at the stage of ‘Maha Viswasa’. That is the stage of self surrender

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