Page 345 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 1
P. 345

If there is something which is very real and yet unseen it is life. The life which everyone enjoys is something that is elusive of any definition. It is true that much has been said about it in modern science and too much of it is known to us, precisely because we are all living. Yet when a person is confronted with the question as to whether there is any meaning that he can give for his life, we find him hesitant, uncertain and to certain extent avoiding to give an answer.
While a philosophical discussion regarding the beginnings of Life and its Evolution is really interesting and may be useful in developing proper values of life, it is rarely meaningful for a person who finds no value worth striving for in his life. It is only when a person is in crisis he develops a value for life. The crisis is the best teacher that Nature has granted to us as a boon. Life as opposed to Death seeks pleasure and when we say that crisis or death confront a person we only intend that the pleasure seeking principle is thwarted. Any thing or person who helps to tide over the situation of crisis then gets the value of life itself, which value we have been all the time unaware of. That is how we find

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