Page 452 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 1
P. 452

The Atman as satchitananda is predominant. Cleanliness and simplicity are the characteristics. Bliss prevails. Higher levels of consciousness may get reflected here in some cases.
(b) When thought penetrates into the point of Atman the outer cover of these particles, which were, observed as dark drop off and greysish outer gets observed.
In order to stabilise the condition here the suggestion of development of coolness may be given.
Laya Awastha here is due to purification of lower self. Discriminative Intelligence i.e., Viveka is enhanced ad Laya in the condition of having known sat is prevalent.
This is like a wheel in rotation. There are some circling rings inside the knot. Luminosity appears as
 3 Atman
4 Vairagya

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