Page 6 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 1
P. 6

everything as a game.
Earth, the planet we occupy is unfortunately a warring planet. Any period of peace is invariably followed by one of conflict and war. It is the nature of life to have life and death, joy and suffering. Further, as we know life starts with weeping and ends with weeping and the joy or happiness is only a phase in between. If this Earth has to be made heavenly, it is necessary that our consciousness should reside at the Pranic plane, that is, a plane beyond that of matter, mind and soul.
The Life Force or Prana has been expressing itself at different levels of consciousness to help maintain balance. The task of balancing was and is being entrusted to entities who have progressed in Life and reached the super fine states of consciousness with full awareness and such entities or souls are working at different planes of existence. They are the Masters who do the task of maintaining the balance in the Cosmic and Super Cosmic regions. There have been and are, Masters in all the four corners of the Universe but all express only the Supreme Life Force or Prana.

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