Page 69 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 1
P. 69

meditation tells us that very many thoughts, ideas etc distract us and they do not allow us to settle on the thought of Divine Light without Luminosity - the object of meditation. Morning meditation is essentially oriented towards the outward noise. At morning 5 or 6 if you are going start your meditation, the particular cry of a street vendor selling flowers- a problem faced in India - is not likely to heard by you. It is relatively calm at that time. No noise of external surroundings, occasional bird chirping will be heard. The external noise is reduced by choosing that hour apart from its value as a sandhya about which you must have heard. The practical utility for me is it doesn’t allow other noises to come at that time. It is relatively a calm period when the outward noise is reduced and the outward noise is also sought to be reduced by withdrawing your limbs and not allowing the sense organs to receive the inputs. While as in the evening what we are attending to is our samskaras. If one analyses the various thoughts that disturb us, we understand the need to get cleansed of these to maintain our natural purity. In essence, we are going from outside silence to inside silence by cleaning.

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