Page 38 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 10
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are genetically determined. From this point of view, the triumphs of genetics could engender a wave of extreme materialistic reductionism, where even spiritual aspiration becomes gene-determined: soon we may read from the, newspapers that the gene for Samadhi is discovered!
The idea that consciousness may exist independently of the physical body is disputed from all sides, and is often ridiculed. It may be tolerated under the label of religious freedom, but virtually all branches of science are evolving in the opposite direction: explaining, or explaining away, our soul and Spirit. Indeed a few physicists have published best-selling books that present physics in spiritual terms. The fact is, when it comes to making decisions about new trends in the fields of scientific any research, industrial and economic development, authorities make their decisions according to hard scientific evidence. With the advent of genetic engineering, virtual reality, nanotechnology and artificial intelligence, humanity is on the edge of momentous metamorphosis. lt is all happening very fast and if guided only by materialistic views, it could result in complete disaster. Soon, large-scale genetic manipulations will become as common as vaccinations.
As on date there is no researcher of repute examining the possibilities of whether any gene-therapy has any impact on the ability to tune into spiritual realms. Strange as it may sound I feel that someone must be working on a
Bodhayanti Parasparam – Vol 10

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