Page 133 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 2
P. 133

warrior, who was asking, pleading for mercy from God, saying that please support me so that I can fight the war. He was not asking for help for fighting the war, that was not his request. He was not saying please give me the confidence to fight the battle. No he did not ask for that, because most of our misunderstandings are like this.
But as it is too commonly witnessed, people hear and recite Gita for the whole life without taking the least effect thereof. I don’t have to say anything more on that. None has so far ever turned round like Arjuna, inspite of hearing the Gita for years together, nor attending the Gita yagnas that have been very ritualistically being conducted now and then by our brothers. They do it. Yagnas, Gita Yagnas. I really don’t know what it means. But then they do.
The reason is that those who recite to others are not capable of transmitting its truth in their hearts, on account of which no effect is
produced upon the hearers. Please note this is the 131

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