Page 166 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 2
P. 166

In spirituality no one has any right to impose his favorite God/Goddess on others. No one has any right to impose a particular form of worship on others. No one has any right to claim that he is the only Guru or Master. It is an entirely a different matter that an individual accepts some method or Master as his to the exclusion of others. That is his spiritual prerogative. This freedom has been granted to all in our land from the beginning not withstanding aberrations and that is the vital spiritual fountain that governs us.
In such a situation one is likely to find himself alone in spirituality and it has been rightly called Aadhyaatimika vidya-that is science related to Self. However in this land it has been the practice to get help from others in this para-vidya from the vedic times. Assistance through help from other co- travelers was most common. However Master says by the end of 1880's this spiritual atmosphere was tottering hopelessly and therefore the Advent of our Grand Master Revered Lalaji Maharaj has taken
place. Our Country’s soul is spirituality and that was 164

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