Page 7 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 2
P. 7

is, it is something universal and it has nothing to do with any religion. Krishna himself transcended all religious barriers. If you kindly think over, from his childhood, the phenomenon of lifting Govardhanagiri itself, is an act against the ritual to be performed to Indra or Varuna for rain, and he said that it is better to worship the mountains which have the trees and in turn give the rain. Some sort of a scientific approach and He said that we need not bother about these functionaries. It does not mean that he was trying to throw away all religion on that day. I am not here to argue on all that but I only try to tell you that he was not for it. So, if you look at it from an entirely different angle, you will find that even the principle of Pranahuti, Babuji says, was something that was practiced by Lord Krishna and afterwards somehow, the theory of Love has taken over and Bhakti has taken over. Now, we say that we got into a state of absorption, deep absorption, enjoyment etc. These words we are using instead of thinking about the grace of the Master or the love of the Master in having given us the benefit of his company. We talk

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