Page 115 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 3
P. 115

Yielding to the wisdom that one obtains during meditation, to the experience of an inexplicable oneness which somehow makes us feel that we are in our homeland and that all separateness is an illusion is the beginning of our endeavour to get over our ‘I’ ness. By repeated experience of such a wholesome oneness that knows no boundary and in fact is void, we are enabled to transcend the realms of egoism. Ego and egoism are the main barriers in the path of spirituality where the goal is to transcend ones’ limitations of relationships.
It is obvious the sense of ego is the product of our relationships only. Once we understand that the sense of separateness we have is due to the training that is imparted in a society that wants us to respond to a particular name that is distinctly different from others do we understand the origin of relationships. The first relationship we know is our relation to the

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