Page 124 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 3
P. 124

by reflecting on the quality of meditation that grants us an experience of Void, is the basis of the noblest spiritual quality called Maitri. It is not just fraternity or friendship that is the nature of our link with other existences but an essential oneness with all. There is an inseparable bond among all beings and things and that is most important to understand and live up to. Once this is understood the attitude of Yielding that is required in realizing our essential oneness with all is gained automatically.
In his Seventh Commandment Master asks us not be revengeful for the wrongs done by others and asks us to accept them with gratitude as heavenly gifts. In reality there is nothing wrong that is done by any to another. But certain acts appear to be wrong done to the person by another because of two essential factors, one is to think oneself as independent and another is granting independent status to the other person who is said to have wronged him. Pruning is no wrong done by the gardener to the plant and in fact it is necessary for growth. The plant does undergo suffering due to the pruning and does not know that it is for its

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