Page 134 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 3
P. 134

a conscious dedication to this noblest cause through physical, vital and mental planes of his existence. In all matters God must come first. Aspiration, the inner cry, should come from the physical, the vital, the mental and the spiritual. It is necessary that the physical, vital, mental and psychic being have to become consciously aware of this.
Every pore of the aspirants being should cry for the love of God. And this has to be 24hrs a day and 365 days an year for life. Because the true form of Divinity is Infinite there is no end to this process of aspiration once it gets started and nourished by the Masters Grace and one’s own determination with dedication of his entire being to Him. When we consciously aspire in all parts of our being, we will be able to accelerate the achievement of our liberation.
The practical and concrete manner in which we aspire has to become pure and simple even as Divinity. For this purpose we adopt the processes of cleaning ourselves through the methods given by the Master. With impurity no one has so far entered

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