Page 199 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 3
P. 199

aspirants have clarity on this and do not get lost in the Vedantic terms he will be more at ease and remain in a state of grateful Prayer.
Master asserts that “it is really the practical experience only that can help one to realize himself. No other way or method, no book or scripture, can be of any avail in this respect. What a diversion from reality would it be to call realisation of Oneness or Nothingness as the realisation of truth. Truth has its own definition. But where we have to arrive at, finally, is beyond everything”. (Practice and Efficacy of Sri Ramchandra’s Rajayoga Page 51, Para 2)
Master explains that our goal is not any resting place but is a dynamic living beyond all intellectual comprehension and the journey is an Infinite one.
“But our travelling is not yet over. We march on still towards the Base, where the Realisation assumes its original form. The colourful visions having ended, the vision of the Absolute in its true aspect commences forthwith.

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