Page 244 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 3
P. 244

very nature it must belong to many to be both actual and true!
I do hope that my feelings are felt in the hearts of the aspirants and co travellers in the path. I have often told many persons that if I remain the sole holder of the vision, that is all it ever would be-a vision. A hope that may be possible, but not yet something actual, something real, the potent realm of relatedness between and among our selves. If I were to be the only one talking about Bodhayanti Parasparam it is an oxymoron and, really, a lie. But until others could walk, tread and crawl far enough with me to find they are swaying on the air-less, breathe-less, still- notstill atmosphere with their eyes clear and their hearts consistently radiant, I have promises to keep.
My request to those who were blessed with the conditions of the higher regions in spirituality during meditations to own up the same and live according to their status, that is to work with confidence and courage with the knowledge of the condescending Divine support and ignoring our own

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