Page 259 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 3
P. 259

We are meeting on the auspicious occasion of the 105th birth day of our beloved Master Rev. Ramchandraji Maharaj of Shahjahanpur. We are accustomed to the experience of the shower of grace from the time fortune favoured us by enabling us to start following his system of sadhana. The grace with which he communicates, his love for us all through the sessions of Pranahuti is really something highly personal. It is as though each one of us is dearly whispered into by him and it is an unique feeling we have and would rather prefer to dwell in the thought of his love rather than indulge in other activities. That is our practice when we meditate at home.
The celebration is a different occasion. Here we have several occasions to meditate, contemplate, share and communicate our feelings with fellow travellers on the path. This is an occasion of special fortune for two more days of our

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