Page 74 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 3
P. 74

often and so conclusively that they begin suspecting that nothing will ever really satisfy their inner urge. For them the taste of Nothingness that is administered through Pranahuti is the Elixir of Life.
Pranahuti as a process is a unique technique that proceeds on the basis of direct imparting of the awakened condition from one individual to another. In our hoary and rich spiritual tradition the core of the authentic work has been invariably been such a living transmission. What is transmitted is the very core of reality namely consciousness or spiritual energy which nurtures and enables the recipient to grow in an integral consciousness that sees no duality.
We all are informed that what is transmitted is the Prime energy that is of the nature of consciousness pure and simple and is called Prana. That is communicated or transmitted through personal contact initially and later through impersonal and transpersonal ways. Master in his blessing splendour has enabled many adepts in the field of transmission and the service is readily

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