Page 259 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 4
P. 259

and disturbance. I personally feel that the disturbed states of mind the aspirants have during meditation when they are absorbed due to the effect of Pranahuti is essentially due to this non yielding to the Divine will in a particular plane of consciousness. Dr. K.C.Varadachari has stated that we are very loquacious about our surrender while in fact it is very conditional to the grant of our petty petitions to the Divine. These aspects are what I tried to present in the book ―The Five Kosas Role in Sadhana under Pranahuti aided Meditation.‖
Being can only be experienced as personal and the Ultimate is experienced as the  ̳Personal More‘ as Tagore put it. Every one of the Advents narrated in the Indian puranas is a significant transcendence over the animal and the human, a new step in the History of Spirit –the play or Leela of the Divine. It is through these acts of loving kindness or Leela of the Divine we catch a chord and move towards the Divine. It is special expression of the Divine in the form of Advent or Special Personality that saves us from the Ocean of froth and foam. The

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