Page 282 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 4
P. 282

approach of many new systems that are being propounded by pseudo masters who are growing in number like mushrooms.
As a matter of fact this is a very practical aspect of our sadhana where we find it difficult to articulate to ourselves as to whom we should worship and pray for our spiritual elevation. The form of prayer given to us reads ―Thou are the real goal of human life‖ and also ―Thou art the only God and Power to bring us to up to that stage‖. Three concepts namely God, Power and Master are brought into the prayer and we are told further that  ̳Prayer is the sign of devotion‘. Master adds that  ̳It shows that we have established our relationship with the Holy Divine.‘ Thus we find we have got the fourth concept being introduced. Now it is pretty difficult to understand when we are told that  ̳when the idea of Divine Mastership is established our position turns into that of a serf‘ and that then, our only concern is service. Many aspirants like to bring in an amalgamation of all these four into one-our beloved Master Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj of Shahjahanpur. However this also poses problems as he is not

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