Page 303 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 4
P. 303

the object and an iron will to achieve the goal is absolutely necessary to ensure complete success. (Reality at Dawn Page 36, Para 2)
Master adds that we must feel ourselves connected with the Supreme Power every moment with an unbroken chain of thought during all our activities. It can be easily accomplished if we treat all our action and work to be a part of Divine duty, entrusted to us by the Great Master whom we are to serve as best as we can. Service and sacrifice are the two main instruments with which we build the temple of spirituality, love of course being the fundamental basis. Any kind of service, if done selflessly, is helpful. Service to fellow beings is service to God in the real sense, if it is not done out of any selfish motive. (Reality at Dawn, page 87) Universal love then becomes predominant and we begin to love every being of the God's creation without any feeling of attachment with it. It leads us to devotion and sacrifice. (Reality at Dawn, page 88)

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