Page 320 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 4
P. 320

meant to get rid off all our samskaras which really means our attachments to things, men, notions ideas and ideologies. The few moments of total unawareness of our being that we experience in our day to day meditation that are assisted by the influx of Pranahuti if reflected upon and converted into the precious Imperience where we find all opposites resolves, all conflicts dissolved and all existence unified it becomes easy to understand the logic of the supra rational where differences are a non reality. Intense understanding through contemplation on these moments leads to the state of development of surrender. To surrender is to abolish Ego. To take a decision not to look into the garbage can in search of such worthies as may help us is a great decision that can never come through rational processes. To examine the matter means to take time. If we take time we will never surrender to the imperience. Yielding to Imperience is something immediate, in actual present not a matter to be done in future. One more thing to note is surrender is always to be complete and not conditional. Conditional surrenders are a farce that we see in many religions that

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