Page 327 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 4
P. 327

cultivated by forced and mechanical means seldom
proves to be genuine. It must develop automatically within you without the least strain or pressure upon the mind.‖ In this context I may say that one of my associates wrote to me why is it that surrender is so difficult for him to do as was possible for one of our Masters. I was frankly annoyed at the greed of the person who is not prepared to yield to the Master and talking of surrender. Many lessons are naturally be learnt in the inner core of the being and in the deep cave of the heart. The little heart has so much to teach of love which is the basis of surrender. Love is the state where we see, feel, know and understand only the Master and where there is no Ego.
These are the few aspects of the some buffer points that I thought I would share with you and say that it is necessary that we surrender ourselves to the Master who responds to every call from us with unalloyed blissful blessings.

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