Page 71 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 4
P. 71

Now a days it is quite common to hear words like Natures‘ abundance, manifestation of the Divine and creative participation with the Divine and usage of these and similar sounding words and phrases is considered in the elite circles as signs of wisdom and also ones‘ spiritual enlightenment. Surely these words have meaning of their own but it is not all that certain, that they are the correct usage of these words and phrases in the context of which most of the time they are used. Many a time we find these noble words and phrases are used to serve the purpose of a thin veil of deception to hide selfishness, greed, and elitism.
The ideas behind these popular notions that are expressed are simple to comprehend. They state that if our actions and intentions are in tune with God or whatever other spiritual substitute like Guru, Mata Guide then money and other forms of material prosperity will come to us and we are fully protected. It is very obvious that these ideas are propagated or proposed as a strategy to get more

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