Page 86 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 4
P. 86

ahimsa and Karuna or compassion are learnt. The self thus goes through the process of purification by its total dedication to the Divine. As a great thinker said ―The spiritual weapon of self-purification, intangible as it seems, is the most potent means of revolutionizing one‘s environment and loosening the external shackles. It works subtly and invisibly; it is an intense process though it might often seem a weary and long-drawn process. It is the straightest way to liberation, the surest and the quickest, and no effort can be too great for it. What it requires is faith—an unshakable mountain like faith that flinches from nothing.‖ The meditation on points A and B matures and the condition gets matured. It is the condition of faith maturing into total and unconditional surrender to the Divine that is the state into which a person merges. Surrender is essentially a state of settled-ness- settled in the confidence that Master takes care of everything. This is a region where one may desire to dwell forever. The help of the Pranahuti which supports the goal formed by us pushes us further to be restless. Thus we seek to enter the higher state.

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