Page 107 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 5
P. 107
Our Spiritual Order
It is an universally acknowledged fact that true Spirituality, spreads through certain Orders. It has a particular path chartered out through a lineage of advanced souls in the path. These Orders function under the guidance and control of the founder of the Order who has an inseparable relationship with the Base/God. The concept of Order should not be confused with a strict and tyrannical hierarchy. We had on earlier occasions clarified this concept and it is available in our web site and I do not wish to repeat the same.
All the aspirants getting guidance in this Order should be clear as to the path trodden by the founder of the Order and adhere to the same. In this connection the guiding philosophy of the founder should be understood clearly and an attempt is made here to mention the same.
God or the Ultimate has been viewed and loved from different angles and accordingly the means were chosen. The Natural Path is characterized fundamentally by the principles of