Page 119 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 5
P. 119
5. The Principle of Parallelism.
The Divinity is the base of everything. It is self contained and is in a state of dynamic balance. It is found in everything as an active principle. Divinity when it manifested created an outward expression of itself which reached its Zenith in the human beings. Master calls the former ie. The presence of Divinity in everything is a function of the Line of Divinity. The manifestation of the Divinity is called by him as the Line of humanity. Since they are from the same source and of the nature of consciousness they are parallel. But nature of the Line of humanity is towards manifestation and activity while that of the Line of divinity is self contentedness and balance. Therefore though they are parallel the Line of humanity runs apparently in the opposite direction. All sadhana has to be to reduce the activity of the Line of humanity and bring it in consonance with the nature of divinity or balance
6. The Principle of Polarity
―Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and