Page 173 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 5
P. 173
“The remembrance of everything should merge into the remembrance of One”
The topic of the seminar is a part of the sentence of the Master who while explaining the form and content of the Prayer in the Commandment Two, that reads ― The remembrance of everything should merge into the remembrance of One- the Ultimate, resounding all through in every particle of his being.‖ Master adds that ―This may be known as complete annihilation of self.‖ There are two aspects to this statement of the Master – one remembrance and another Prayer. The purpose of both is to annihilate the notion of separate self.
Anything to be remembered should be something that we know already. This knowing itself is based on the principles of learning. Learning looked at from a different perspective is itself nothing but the recall aspect of the process of memory. Memory depends on the principle of associations.
Seminar 18th September 2005 162