Page 198 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 5
P. 198
Parent and child relationship is very important. This is the easiest way to discharge our karmic debts toward one another. In fact life itself has runanubandhana as its roots. In countless lives, we would have had intimate body relationships with many people. Every longstanding relationship leads to certain deep impressions. Any act when done repeatedly can become a habit. Every habit leaves impression. These impressions are the samskaras, which drive us to act again. That is why we get sexually attracted many times. But if we have no more debt (rna) with the other person, it just remains as a fleeting thought, as an impulse only. But if the runanubandhana is still there, the attraction results in a relationship. Sometimes even if the karmic debt is discharged, still the samskaras (impressions of past acts) drive us to develop intimate relationship with others. We eventually end up creating a fresh account, a further karmic debt that is not advisable. In the majority of the sexual attractions, it is only the samskaras and not the actual karmic debts that operate. But if there is any undischarged karmic debt, it results in a relationship of love. When the