Page 212 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 5
P. 212
perspiration even when we do have such moments of elevation of consciousness the habituated mind seeks solace in the rites and rituals of the gods and goddesses. That is why many who pursue the path also tend to continue their old practices of prayer. And this is what Master was lamenting about in the quotation that we are discussing.
While the oneness of being is imperienced by us, we have been hearing our traditional thinkers tending to explain away the physical plane of manyness as an illusion. The illusion it is explained is in the seeming separation between one another. However it is undeniable that both the experience of the many and the oneness that is imperienced are there.
It is necessary to understand the infinity in terms of polarity with a beginning and an end, it is everywhere and nowhere, it is all and simultaneously nothing. We should realise that duality is integral to infinity because aggressive and receptive principles are part of all Creation. Energy moves because of these principles. That is why