Page 216 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 5
P. 216
for millennia have been spent in understanding good and evil, hot and cold, light and dark, science and spirituality. The great masters throughout time have brought to themselves the awareness that Light is the perfect union of the Krodha and Kama and we know that the origins of life are there. Any student of elementary science knows that when positive and negative wires are brought together there is a light (spark). Our Master stresses the fact of our inter connectedness with infinite wisdom. Through his works and Pranahuti he leads us and inspires us to imperience and understand and enable us to grow infinitely.
The problem of worship of forms which hinders our progress is really tough to tackle. Master expressed his anguish that inspite of his labour not much progress to relieve sincere and devoted disciples from the gross forms of worship. But I think this problem is inherent in the nature of thought itself. Imperience of Infinity is surely one that is formless. But we know every time there is a thought there is a form. As a matter of fact many of the