Page 230 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 5
P. 230
free. They realize themselves as embodiment of love itself. I am a very dedicated spiritual seeker for over 4 decades. I did everything I can to follow the foot steps of the Masters of the Natural path to get enlightened. I must frankly admit that I got enlightened very early but the yearning and restlessness has not died down. I know the path, I know my Master and I know my status and yet the borders of Love are not reached- perhaps it has none. Such a border can be arrived at only when there is a total annihilation of ̳to be‘ in thought and come to the state of ̳not to be‘ in its real sense. When I really check my condition and this is not easy, as the grip of love of the beloved is too tight to look at other directions- I find just infinite empty space, Space that goes on and on forever and that it is some energy which is neither light nor darkness. The reflective consciousness when examined is found to be just Love and an immeasurable joy without emotion or excitement. It is what it is. The realisation that there is just consciousness and no experiences is a great realisation by itself that is translucent.