Page 235 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 5
P. 235
WE ARE and WE are NOT as also WE are NOT and WE ARE
pleasure or pain, greed, emotional attachment and egotistical pride and thus he would be the very image of God. God abides in such hearts. Such persons it is agreed in all mystic traditions are the living liberated. They live and yet do not. They do their duty but never get soiled by it.
An unenlightened one is continuously stirred up by illusion, ignorance, false ego, mistaken identity, delusion, etc. while witnessing his day-to- day life. But a Living dead observes the play of the life through the prism of the Pure Consciousness, the consciousness of the Master, without any desires, emotional attachment, restlessness, prejudices and agitations of the mind. Unconditioned Consciousness is our true nature, which can be awakened by fully roasting the seed of ignorance in the fire- Beej Dagdh. Thus alone one becomes a living dead or living liberated in this very life while still in the human body. In a nutshell it simply means getting rid of ego and notion of separate self/ soul.
Of the many criteria to know whether we live and at the same not live some may be stated as: