Page 270 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 5
P. 270
passes through us, out into the mental environment, or the atmosphere of the global mind. When we are operating from the frequencies of our upper knots beyond the Pind desh we are operating in spiritual service to the world. Through consciously participating in the Divine Plan we are spiritually conditioning the atmosphere of the global mind and making the world a better place. Our thoughts and aspirations do get transmitted into the atmosphere of a global mind that is hungry for, more than anything else, the spiritual light.
It is in this context we may understand the type of guru-Dakshina the Master was asking from Dr. K.C.Varadachari. Continuing his reading of the last phase of spiritual condition of Dr.K.C.Varadachari in Brahma Laya, Master wrote in his letter dated 18th May 1968, ―On 11th May 1968 at 1-35 P.M. I found your condition coming to normalcy. It has now mostly come to normal. But I want that this stage may be so settled that I may find it almost unreadable and it is going to be such. At this stage I deserve Dakshina that you should try to