Page 284 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 5
P. 284
into positive energy patterns. It is the very nature of Pranahuti to harmonise and bring the individual mind to the level of the Universal Mind.
The hard work behind this process of making this world a paradise will be more evident when we realise that every one of us possess two entities within and each of these entities advocates choices that ensure its survival. The question is what are these entities and what is their definition of survival? For most, the mind is the henchman of the ego, i.e. the ego calls the shots and employs the mind to do its bidding. The ego is that which gives us identity and separates us from others. The ego, when in charge, runs the mind in very much on an autopilot fashion, making unconscious decisions which ensure that the ego survives. The other entity that lives within us is the Universal-Self or God-self, that which dissolves distinction amongst us and promotes unity. The God-self however is helpless when the ego has enabled the mind to function on autopilot, which manifests itself in the stimulus- response sequence.