Page 301 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 5
P. 301
through Kaal sakti. He is frank in stating that his Master did not teach him that path and he found that after his curiosity was roused in the same by his Master. But the dogma today is ―Believe in Living Master or go to hell,‖ and ―obey the rule of the authoritarian Organisation or Mission,‖ and you would have salvation.
In contrast, for us the Godmatics it is far more important to seek God through Imperience than to ―just believe.‖ We are surely believers of the Master the Special Personality but we hear a different message from the Master in our heart than the one propagated by self styled authorities in spirituality. We have beliefs, but we do not insist we have a special corner on or final truth in interpreting the world or God. Master‘s messages are all purely spiritual than religious. The place to find God is within oneself and more particularly in the heart and not in externals like belief, dogma or dictates of the organisation. Our faith and understanding of the Master‘s works is that we can experience and imperience the eternal Master within. It is not by a set of correct beliefs or creeds, but by sadhana that 290