Page 7 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 5
P. 7

“we can see the seeds of a global consciousness, a deep awareness that we are all one people who are part of a living, integral cosmic consciousness. And within this awareness is an awakening of oneness, a consciousness that is not based upon duality. We imperience it as a primal knowing of the oneness that belongs to life and is a direct expression of the divine. There exists amongst us an inter-connectivity that can take us beyond the hierarchical models of the past, into an organic and holistic way of living.”
These he says are the signs of a future that is developing since the Advent that can free us from the paradigm of duality and separation. In the new era, religion as we understand it today has no place; as our Master put it „the end of religion is the beginning of spirituality.‟ This consciousness he says is Sri Ramchandra Consciousness which carries an energy that we experience as Pranahuti that comes from the source of life, an energy that is dynamically alive, that has the joy of creation that brings with it a more direct experience of the divine that is within everything.

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