Page 92 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 5
P. 92
On Imperience and Event Horizon Dear associates in the Path,
My humble Pranam to all of you gathered on this 4th anniversary day of Imperience. As you all know this institution supports the ISRC in the training programs. The last two days we were busy trying to inform new aspirants of the system of Rev. Babuji. We utilise the days of celebrations to guide those who are already practicing the system. All this we do is with a sense of service and dedication to the Master and we try to make everything as open as possible without mystifying anything.
The ISRC and Imperience are guided by a team of persons who are advanced in the path elected by the general body of the organisation annually, in the nominal but necessary routine duties of how, when and where to conduct the programs and is called the Governing Council though there is nothing here to govern. The collective decision made by them in favour of any person is the method
Imperience Day Celebrations, 14-08-2006