Page 104 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 104

Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
the form of his works containing various facets of the philosophy dealing with the system.
The scope of the present topic, however, relates, exclusively to the method of converting an animal man to a complete man radiating Divinity, with the help of clear guidelines to followed by daily practice. He prescribed Ten Commandments conceived by him in super conscious state. First and the foremost one is the effort needed to discipline the body habituated to have its own way all along, by attempting to form a habit of getting ready for prayer at a particular time ( a fixed hour ), one place, one seat, one pose with external bodily purity and pure mind purged out of impurities through purificatory process before hand. Besides this basic commandment, we are instructed to begin Puja with complete dedication for spiritual elevation, with goal clarity of God realization, not resting till its achievement. Feeling the presence of God, recapitulating events events of the day, begging forgiveness for wrongs committed, making a resolve for non-repetition should end the day before retiring to bed.
Following commandments 1 and 10 at prescribed time of the day with the mind dedicated to the ideal (commandments 2 and 3 ) is a daily practice. Up course, commandment 8 is also for practice 2 and 3 times a day, as we have to eat to live happily. With the quantum of discipline brought about by all commandments honest and pious earnings alone will form the basis for our sustenance.
Maintaining identically with nature by being plain and simple ( commandment 4 ) and treating all people as a common divine progeny ( commandment 6 ) depends on the practice to develop proper attitude which largely goes towards fulfillment of commandment 9 prescribing moulding of living to rouse a feeling of love and piety in others. It cannot be forgotten here, that commandments 5

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