Page 114 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 114

Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
closer. This is a message to all.” (Showers of Divine Grace 138)
Master wants us to work together in this mission. “We are united in the common cause keeping towards proper order the good of man and humanity” (Showers of Divine Grace 137)
Let us all get ready for the Master’s call and prepare ourselves for the new civilization. I conclude with the Master’s words “A type of civilization based on spiritualism will spring forth in India and it will, in due course, become the world civilization. No country or nation will survive without spirituality as its base and every nation must sooner or later adopt the same course if it wants to maintain her very existence.” (DR 120)
2. Dr.V. Krishna Yaji
Our body parts have no feeling of separateness. They function harmoniously without awareness of separateness. Imagine how it will be, if they act independently. For purposes of daily activities it is inevitable for us to behave as if separated. The tendency to isolate ourselves from the awareness of common origin is always there. Emergence of new countries , states or districts and caste or religious systems is due to strengthening of veils of particular consciousness instead of dissolving them.
Basic existing thing is consciousness alone but in various forms. We did not understand in our childhood that steam, water, dew and ice are the same. But later as we grow (make note of Growth), we learnt that it happens depending on the temperature. When the potential to live in tune with the universal consciousness is the same in every being, then all are one and the same.

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