Page 119 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 119

This and that have gone now
􏰀 Observe our behavior in day-to-day dealings and analyse the weaknesses if any in following the 9th commandment.
􏰀 Try to identify our thoughts and feelings and openly discuss with our trainers for any correction and improvement.
􏰀 Regulary practicing point “A” and “B” meditation.
􏰀 Even though we look busily participating in our worldly responsibilities, internally we should be
restless to reach our Goal.
􏰀 Listen to the voices of our Masters through CD’s
and cassettes for inspiration and motivation.
􏰀 MaintainingDiary.
􏰀 Finally we should be confident in reaching our
Goal. In every thought, word and deed Master should be expressed. All of us can take part in conveying the message of our Master according to our purity levels and level of understanding with firm conviction.
As Sir said we should become infectious.
We all should join hands in this Divine endeavor and co-operate with each other.
Master says this is the time for you all to join together to make the most of the opportunity. Divine grace is flowing with full force. Such a time as it is today may not be repeated again during the course of thousands of years. Even a little sacrifice today may count much in bringing forth the greatest results.
Today we can see the younger generations already getting attracted to the system and following it with ease. From the above message of the Master, which is the topic of the Seminar today, I could get the following clarity.

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