Page 122 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 122

Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
has no boundaries, knows no differences and above all it is integrative in nature. As a result of which it strengthens the existing part whole relationship thereby enabling one to naturally practice Fraternity which is through natural inheritance. We should not only derive great courage from the word inheritance to practice fraternity but should also own up the great responsibility of living and spreading the message of the Master through cooperation. Compassion and love are the basis for cooperation. Due to the integrative nature of Pranahuti, we all feel the love overflowing from each and every heart after the meditations. Here one doesn’t struggle to practice fraternity for that is something very natural. It is a common experience of all the sadhakas especially during bhandaras.
From this we can say with certainty that if we dwell in the consciousness of the Master we are sure to think and live in fraternal realms. However it should not be misconstrued that we have no role to play. But our duty is to develop the deservancy to imbibe the Grace through assiduous practice of Points A & B meditation. When we talk of compassion, cooperation, love and service etc., we are only detailing the components of fraternity. This is felt more vividly when one traverses in the ‘Second Knot’. The wisdom that comes here enables us to understand and focus on the aspect of Interdependency. It is the basis to the Universal Consciousness. The prayer offered by one who is in Universal Consciousness is selfless and Real. As a result of which is the Prayer at 9 ‘O clock becomes natural and effective. Any activity, which is selfless, is Purity. The Prayer we do at 9’ 0 clock is one of the most selfless prayers that has been blessed to us by our Master and it is one of total purity. Therefore the prayer is bound to work and Reality of fraternity will be the truth sooner than later. The purity of the prayer can best be attained if we

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