Page 140 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 140

Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
realizing Him in our hearts and also consider that our entire being is something given by Him.
The spiritual destiny is to be united & to be connected with God always & not be separated.
Thank You.
10. Sri Vidyadhar Joshi
In the writings of our beloved Master, it is remarkable to note the way He makes assertions in the statements. The words convey a message which if observed carefully are not “appeals” to us. Nor are they “opinions” made by the Master. One feels that they are directives or statements which are absolutely assertive and certain. This feeling behind the words makes us affirm by those statements even if we may not perhaps comprehend the writings fully. With this in mind, I am humbly sharing my ideas on the subject topic of the day, to the extent that I could comprehend whatsoever little by His Grace.
Master asserts in the statement preceding this one where He says “We are all brethren connected intellectually, morally and spiritually - the main goal of human life”. Please note Master is not making an appeal to us to develop this connection in intellectual, moral and spiritual planes. He is simply stating that IT IS ALREADY SO.This fraternity is already there and has ever been there. So it is not the need to “develop” this, rather it is our need to feel this oneness and that is goal of human life.
So what it is it for us that really comes in the way of feeling this?
Master immediately follows by yet another assertion “This and that have gone now”.

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