Page 143 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 143

Seminar on “Love is the Inner Awakening to Reality”
1. BH.Devasena
Master in his message delivered on 30.4.1980 at Delhi on the eve of His 81st Birthday celebrations mentioned, “Love is the inner awakening to Reality.” Love Him who loves all and thus everybody is automatically loved through Him.
Master says that love makes every task easy and paves the way for the shower of Masters grace to smoothen the way to the ultimate goal.
What is the meaning of love? I was struggling to contemplate over the meaning of it. I suddenly got the meaning from the CD of VOICE REAL of Master wherein it is explained by Master “Opening yourself to Reality or Divinity is LOVE.” He further says How to love God? By remembrance. If you love somebody you begin to remember him. Due to this constant remembrance we develop a strong and irrevocable attachment with the Divine. This attachment is because of our dependence on the Divine whether we are aware of it or not. This is our true condition. In the present day world worshipping God has mostly become ritualistic or for seeking some material benefits.
The meaning of reality is to realize our true nature of existence, which is to express Divinity through Love. When Love is expressed by cultivating moderation in our behavior and exhibiting the qualities of gentleness, politeness, sympathy, and love with fellow beings, reverence to elders, unrevengeful attitudes etc., such a love is an inner awakening to reality.

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