Page 149 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 149

Love is the Inner awakening to Reality
action after the event is over. Mind maintains an illusion that it is not a Zombie.
We become really awake only at certain point of time like facing disasters or life threatening physical events or accidents, when you become conscious and are really awake and real thinking takes place.
III) Now inner awakening means waking up from sleep(waking up from a Zombie or programmed computer state)
IV ) Coming to the crux of the problem waking up is not all that easy. Our mind has become so thoroughly conditioned that it has lost the capacity to respond in an unconditional way. We have lost the capacity to decondition our selves.
V ) “Love is the inner awakening to reality”.
So this inner awakening is possible only through pranahuti, a revolutionary technique of spiritual training and truly unique. It is a gift from the great Master to the sleeping humanity wallowing in suffering and degradation.
There are a few conclusions I will draw from Master’s message.
A) Love is like a growth towards a definite end. It has a beginning, growth and culmination.
B) Beginning happens by the grace of the Master through the act of Pranahuti.
C) Growth or increase in the development or deepening of love is also aided by repeated transmissions till it takes you towards your Goal.
D) The deconditioning from a sleepy state to an awakened state also involves active exercises by the individual like

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