Page 211 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 211

Divinity is a Play and Divine the Way
This is another aspect of the individual play, again a subset of the Divine play. The only way to come out of this to regain the simplicity and plainness and be in tune with Nature.
Kama & Krodha: Normally the matrix of kama , krodha, lobha and moha are very intricately connected. Lobha and Moha should be got rid off totally but with regard to kama and krodha, Master brings in the concept of moderation. Also he talks of moderation with respect to senses and faculties. Now the senses and faculties are so much active and immoderate that they have started over ruling the mind.
To quote again from the 4 Commandment, “.. All
his faculties being thus animated grew strong and restive and his mind and thought began to co-operate with them. This resulted in the creation of a world of thoughts.”(Imperience Beckons 35)
To be in tune with Nature means to participate in the Divine Play as ordained by Divinity.
How to know what role we have to play? For this we need to maintain the close association with line of Divinity. The line of humanity is supported by the line of Divinity as told by the Master in the Theory of Parallelism. It is a well known paradigm in the physical sciences that when two waves are in harmony at their natural frequencies, the motion of the carrier wave goes on for almost eternity and the energy transfer from the source to the receiver takes place in the least resistant path. We know from our daily observations that when a swing is swinging in its natural frequency, then to continue its motion it requires a minimum effort. But that has to be in tune with the motion of the swing. This harmony leads to resonance.

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